This is the highest volume per hour automated trim machine in the world. The Gladiator is a commercial trimmer that provides a precise and gentle cut using elite trimming technology.
This top-notch trimmer does the work of more than 40 people, making it an incredibly powerful dry bud trimming and wet flower trimming tool. Providing more than 75,000 cuts per minute, the Gladiator requires minimal maintenance and cleaning thanks to its simple design. It utilizes self sharpening blades made of D2 hardened steel, which results in an incredibly precise and uniform cut.
If you’re looking for the latest in hydroponics trimming machine technology the Gladiator fits the bill well. As a leader in the professional trimmer market, this is the best bud trimmer in accordance to industry standards. You’ll love how its design integrates elegant engineering, maximizing your percentage counts and achieving unrivaled quality. The Gladiator is built for large industrial operations and it’s a game changer for any operation that’s ready to grow. There in no other machine that will match the Gladiators quality and quantity all for a fraction of the competitors price.